Oh the worlds we never see. Infinitely surprising. 

Devastatingly never ours. Some of them, impossibly foreign. 

Further than our physical bodies can get to. 

But also vaster than the confines of our minds. 

There is so much safety in staying inside the same world. 

But with so much unknown loss in it. 

Unknown because we could have not imagined ourselves living another life. 

I realized that no matter what has happened to us, however lost we are, we are in pain. 

In tragic sorrows, we can enter a different life, even if it is inside the one we are living. 

Sometimes this stance gets me in trouble. 

Especially with those who do not share the belief that we can defy our current circumstances. Even for an evening. 

I was one of those people.

The pain of loss blinded me and took away every key to any room that I could have escaped to.

But just imagine this, for just the length of this letter. 

What if there are mini lives waiting to be lived inside the one you are in? 

Like, hidden rooms in a house. 

I promise you they are there, and they come with new feelings and emotions. 

If only you dared to go into them. 

If only you believed they were worthy. 


For a little while. 

For a moment’s solace. 

And then for more. Yes, for more. 

Once you start occupying these rooms they grow on you like a new book you didn’t expect to like. Like a museum you never thought you would get lost in. 

Like a desert you never believed could comfort you. 

I live inside many rooms. 

I draw and paint in one. I write books in another. 

I teach in the main living room. And help people in the kitchen. 

I go to space in the hallway, and raise my daughters in the library. 

But of course, some of them are dark and heavy and I renovated them to lead to hallways full of stars. 

And so it goes. And so it is. You have to not stay in one room. 

If you did, you may as well live in a mansion and only use the first floor. 

With no views. Or the balcony with the evening breeze. 

To bring this to a close, just remember you are here to live more than one life. 

To love more than the people you already do. 

And to do it all, all at the same time. 

Not after. Not later. Not one day. 

Now, in the midst of your hard day. 

In the middle of your ok job. 

In the day after your break up. Your mom’s passing. 

Your brother’s accident. Your sister’s meltdown. 

While your bank account is empty. 

Especially then. Go on. 

Find that library room in your house, and look for a story that will take you so far away, you would forget your last name. 


With hidden rooms, 



I just did a talk at an online conference called BRAIN SUMMIT: 20+ global experts (including myself!) have come together to teach us how to empower our emotions, stop overthinking, and reclaim our brain from trauma and fear.

You can sign up for it here, and it is free HERE.

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Author Christina

Christina Rasmussen is an author, speaker and social entrepreneur who believes that grief is an evolutionary experience required for launching a life of adventure and creative accomplishment.

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