We hold on to what we have built and have created with average success and average joy, fearing that if we let it go we would not be able to get back to that average.

So we avoid starting from scratch at all costs. Even if where we are today is not a good place to be, we stay there.

For a lot of us, it is easier to stay in something we don’t like than having to begin again.

So today, I want to talk to you about the honor of your soul to be in a place to start from scratch.

I am going to ask you to go on a journey with me so we get to start something from scratch together.

Close your eyes.

Imagine in front of you a beautiful big field with nothing in it.

There is a breeze that comes through.

There is the blue sky above you.

Mud and earth below you.

And your body in between.

Inside your body there is your soul.

Inside your body there are memories.

Inside your body there is loss. There is fear. There is strength.

There is intelligence. There is fuel. There is hope. There is vision.

There is everything you need.

Language. Words. Dreams. Imagination.

You have two feet.

Your connection to earth.

You start to walk forward.

One step. Then another.

Then again more steps.

You don’t know where you are going and you have no idea as to what it is you should be doing, but you have enough to start over.

You have enough to create.

You have enough to believe in your worthiness. (Click to Tweet!)

And that is when it happens.

You start to believe that you can create something from nothing.

You stop your stride and look at the ground your feet are standing on.

You decide this is the place where you start to rebuild.

In that moment in time, you look around you and you see others doing the exact same thing.

Using all that they were given to start from scratch.

You see them as capable and that is when you start to see yourself as capable too. You start to dig in. Claim your earth. Claim your land.

Within a few moments you are already seeing your new life being born.

And you add to it.

Every day you add some more.

Until you are no longer starting from scratch.

Take a deep breath and open your eyes.

Let’s do this for real now.

Today I would like you to start something from scratch.

It could be baking a cake you never baked before. It could be planting a flower in your garden. It could be changing your name.

It could be loving someone new.

It could be asking for something you never asked before.

But remember starting from scratch does not require a superhuman being who can do the impossible.

But it does require, a body, a soul and a few words to tell yourself when you are standing on that open field.

With two feet,


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Author Christina

Christina Rasmussen is an author, speaker and social entrepreneur who believes that grief is an evolutionary experience required for launching a life of adventure and creative accomplishment.

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