Somewhere in the world today a little boy is crying.

He has just been told by his mom that his dad is forever gone. His hands are on his cheeks, his eyes welling up with tears and his heart is beating so loudly that if you were seating next to him, you could hear it.

The heartbeat is so fast that you wished you could jump right in his chest and calm it down.  You want to take the pain away from him.

But you can’t.

This little boy’s world has been shattered in many small pieces. He is looking at his life and cannot understand what has just happened.

You feel helpless and don’t know how to help.

But all you have to do is be there for him.

Hold his grief when he can’t.

Take his anger when it takes over his body.

Play with him when his brain would rather go back to the familiar.

Laugh with him  even if you want to cry.

Give him back his routine, he feels safe when he knows what comes next.

Create new experiences with him so he believes that life does go on.

And above all, just love him.

Because your love will help him see that the blue sky is right under the clouds and that the sun will always rise the next morning.

And that he can always count on you to tell him the truth, no matter how much it hurts.  He will then learn that you trust him with all that life has to offer.

And that is when he will no longer be afraid to love again.

You believed in him. Now he will believe in himself.

Armed with his new identity he can take on life again.

(In dedication to all the mothers or fathers who were left behind and had to tell their child the truth about the loss of the other parent. Know that your child will one day be forever grateful for your selfless love and your brave heart)

With love


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Author Christina

Christina Rasmussen is an author, speaker and social entrepreneur who believes that grief is an evolutionary experience required for launching a life of adventure and creative accomplishment.

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