I asked the Gods for health, love, life and adventure.

But never asked for a kind soul.

I thought my soul was kind enough.

I didn’t need to be kinder, I needed to be tougher, stronger.

Tragedy does that to you.

Kind is not what you look for.

Resilience is your middle name.

But yesterday a friend died. She was washed to sea.

My heart broke. It broke in so many places.

In the midst of my crying and denial of her departure I noticed something.

My tears were stronger whenever I thought about her kindness.

I cried harder when I remembered how much she gave to me.

I sobbed for each good deed.

She was one of those people that was completely selfless, she just gave.

And she gave her best gifts to you.

The things that had the most value for herself she gave them out.

She had a level of kindness that is not seen very often.

In my life I had seen this kind of kind probably three times. Not more.

She was one of the three.

The first time she did something kind for me, I found it hard to believe.

I was so used to walking my path, taking care of myself and not expecting much from others.

But that was normal for her. She was so happy to give to you.

So yesterday when I found out that the sea, the Gods and the universe took her back home I knew she left me an undying gift behind. I had to find a way to this level of kindness.

Jamie’s level of kindness.

At this point I don’t know how I will get there, but I will spend my life trying to be the kind of kind she was.

And today I am going to ask you to give something precious to someone in your life. Something you value a lot.

Give that to someone else.

Be Jamie’s kind of kind. (Click to Tweet!)

With love,


In honor of Jamie Zimmerman


Jamie’s FB page.



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Author Christina

Christina Rasmussen is an author, speaker and social entrepreneur who believes that grief is an evolutionary experience required for launching a life of adventure and creative accomplishment.

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