I imagined having special wings that would fly me over sadness.

Blinders that would shut my eyes so I could not see grief.

Ear plugs in my ears so I could not hear loss’s words.

Memory loss that would take out all the bad and leave in the good.

A magic wand that could make everyone happy.

I imagined eradicating the word grief from the dictionary.

I imagined humanity without tears.

And that’s when it happened.

When I tried to imagine a life without tears.

I had to imagine a life without love.

A life without feeling.

We would have nothing to express.

Nobody to miss.

We would become inhuman.



So I looked at my special wings and asked them to fly me through sadness.

I opened my eyes and looked around me.

I took my earplugs out and saw what grief looked like.

I remembered that the bad makes all the good.

That happiness can only exist next to sadness.

That love was written before and after grief a million times.

And I felt it all.

Every expression.

Every longing.

Every human.

We are made out of sadness and happiness mixed together. (Click to Tweet!)

We have been created to live through both grief and love.

Without both, our human selves vanish as if they were never here to begin with.

With love,


P.S. For this weekend find a way to experience not just grief but love too. Not just love but grief too. We need both equally. Our humanity relies on both.

(If you know someone who would enjoy these weekly letters send them to this link so they can subscribe.)

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Author Christina

Christina Rasmussen is an author, speaker and social entrepreneur who believes that grief is an evolutionary experience required for launching a life of adventure and creative accomplishment.

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