You see them pass you by.

You hear them speak to you.

You get knocked over by them.

But you dismiss them.

You deny their existence.

You look them straight in the eyes and pretend they are not even there.

They are everywhere, but you refuse to see them.

I am talking about signs.

After your loss, you have lost trust in everything and everyone.

Even in the signs you have always believed in.

These signs have been a part of your life since day one.

And you trusted their existence and their direction until life changed.

You didn’t see your loss coming.

You feel betrayed by the signs you believed in and followed religiously all along.

I wonder what would happen if you followed their lead once again.

I wonder what would happen if you listened to them. Again.

Maybe it would be easier.

Imagine if you start to trust the signs that brought you to today.

The unexpected words you hear in a movie.

The letter you find stuck in between rocks during a hike. I have found a letter like that.

The traffic jam that won’t let you get there on time.

The song on the radio.

All of those things that take place and your intuition immediately knows what they mean.

After loss we deny ourselves the truth that comes through our intuition. We stop trusting.

We tell ourselves these things are nothing, and they mean nothing because of the mess we are in.

But what if they mean a lot and we just lost faith.

What if the Universe/God sends them to help us with knowing which way to go.

I bet if you were to look around you at this moment there would be a sign somewhere.

Telling you the answer to a question you have been asking for.

Today’s letter is all about the simple communication we receive from our life but we ignore.

I am going to ask you to pay attention to the smallest, most invisible, little, hellos the universe is trying to send you.

What is it asking you to rewrite, say, change about your life?

Listen to the messages you are surrounded by. They are your muse, your divine communication… your truth. (Click to Tweet!)

They want to hold your hand and walk with you towards the life you have been asking for.

What is a sign that has been knocking on your door lately?

I know you can see it, hear it and believe in it again.

With love,


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Author Christina

Christina Rasmussen is an author, speaker and social entrepreneur who believes that grief is an evolutionary experience required for launching a life of adventure and creative accomplishment.

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Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Elizabeth Williams says:

    Beautiful message! I love signs, this a great reminder to look for more signs in our lives, they are always guiding us if we will only take the time to listen. They whisper in the wind to our souls or brush up against our cheek like a feather when we least expect them to.

    I see hearts everywhere, they are in the clouds, rocks, just about everywhere and even in my dreams. 🙂

  • Kemosabe says:

    I’m learning

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