One day we will look back and realize that we were making history….

It is not very often that a book like Second Firsts makes it to the top 100 books (#79 to be precise.)

And that list includes books like 50 shades of Grey, Daring Greatly and many more mega hits.

It is not every day that Maria Shriver shares a book to 2.3 million people. Twice.

It is not every day that authors get interviewed on NPR.

It is not very normal that a first print of a book gets sold out 3 weeks before release.

I want to say thank you for this week.

Thank you for celebrating with me.

Thank you for wanting to change your life.

Thank you for reading.

Thank you for sharing the book with your beloveds.

I am forever and ever grateful.

Here’s to more hearts finding their way here. As we have only just begun.

I am on a crusade to change the way we grieve forever.

My hope for this book is to understand that It’s important not to resist grieving.

But distinguish between true mourning and the repetition of loss.

Repetition of loss is a natural, albeit ultimately unhealthy, practice of going over the whys , the hows, and the if onlys of your past long after a loss has occurred.



When we do that we don’t mourn we try to control the past and in doing so we get stuck there.

In the Waiting Room…looking out the window trying to find our old life when we should be trying to unlock the door and walk out towards the life that is still here waiting for us.

But it is not sadness that keeps us stuck…it is the unconscious habit of fear that keeps people living in the gap.

The place in between two lives.

I just finished my NPR interview and the radio host said to me…Christina this is truly fascinating stuffthis reentry process of yours.

I know it seems simple to do but I am sure it is not.

And no…it is not simple. The mechanics of the process have multi layers woven in to the steps.

It starts by unearthing all the grief you buried in your past so you did not feel pain.

And that on its own is a hard thing to do.

And it also makes you realize the truth about life.

That our life is birthed in loss…and we need to have the skills to find our way back to living.

Grief is not just a the loss of someone who passed…and once you realize that… your life will change forever as you will grieve all the losses you never grieved.

You will discover the hidden parts of you that have kept you in the waiting room.

And you will roar on your way out and into your reentry back to life.

The book is waiting for you. Don’t be afraid to start over.

All my love


Get the book at your local book stores…more info and links here:

Listen to me LIVE on Hay House book club today at 11:00am PST here:


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Author Christina

Christina Rasmussen is an author, speaker and social entrepreneur who believes that grief is an evolutionary experience required for launching a life of adventure and creative accomplishment.

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  • corliss cook says:

    I’m newly out of a relationship and want to make sure I don’t waste time going over the why’s and what if’s etc. of my past relationship. I’m actually excited and want to clearly articulate that feeling and not get caught up in other peoples ideas on how my life should go and how I should be feeling.

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