I had to wait for many years before I could write my book Second Firsts.

I knew it had to be written for you and not for my healing benefit.

The book would not be another story of loss.

This book would not be added on the pile of grief books.

It would make history.

It would change the status quo.

It would shake the foundations of what we always believed.


It would make you angry.

It would make you not want to open it.

It would tell you the truth about yourself.

It would shake your grief identity and finally allow your life to walk in, proud. Strong.

With no shame.

No guilt.

Just you.

As you were before your life was interrupted.

As you can be.




But above all true to your self and your destiny.


It would also break the news to the world that grief is an inhuman experience taking place in a human body.

And what happens next is evolutionary.

It would whisper to your ear that you can do the impossible because you have been through the unimaginable.

It would scream at you if you had been through an invisible loss such as a life without children, such as a shameful divorce, an abandonment, a rejection, a loss of your identity, a death.

It would curl up in bed with you and won’t let you go until you read it all the way to the end.

The one big secret we have never been told was that grief is a daily experience in our life.

Just getting old and losing our youth on its own… is a huge loss.

But nobody told us that we would spend our life bathed in grief.

And nobody volunteered to give us the tools so we can learn to get out of the bath of grief and into the bath of life.

Oh my dear…. dear beloved.

Second Firsts the Book

I love you more than I could say and this book I have written for you.

For you. It is my love letter to your life.

So she could hear your whispers and come find you.

I love you more than you will ever know.

And that is why I waited to write this book.

So it would be all about you and your losses.

So it could change your life. So it could speak to your heart.

So you felt loved, understood and awakened.

History has already begun to change… we surprised everyone when we sold out our first print 3weeks before release.

Nobody expected it.

Well we are about to continue making history with a second print, with a special feature at Maria Shriver’s website, with people sharing every day and spreading the message of life.

And this is all happening because of you.

You chose to dare.

You chose to be brave to open the pages.

To confront the truth about your life.

To take responsibility for your future no matter your present circumstances.

You are my hero.

Thank you for loving YOURSELF. AGAIN

Thank you for recognizing your lost soul and hearing her roar deep within yourself. You are so beautiful.

With so much love,



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Author Christina

Christina Rasmussen is an author, speaker and social entrepreneur who believes that grief is an evolutionary experience required for launching a life of adventure and creative accomplishment.

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